
Ouvrages / Chapîtres d'ouvrages

Période 2015-2024



  • Ollat, N. (coordination scientifique), Touzard, J.M. (coordination scientifique). Vigne, vin et changement climatique - (EAN13: 9782759237975) | Librairie Quae: des livres au coeur des sciences.https://www.quae.com/produit/1842/9782759237975/vigne-vin-et-changement-climatique.
  • Quénol, H., Tissot, C., de Rességuier, L., Adoir, E., David, L., 2024. Transformer la viticulture pour l’adapter au changement climatique, in: CNRS (Ed.), Explorer l’environnement : Des Solutions Pour Innover. pp. 201–204.
  • Sterck, L., de María, N., Cañas, R.A., de Miguel, M., Perdiguero, P., Raffin, A., Budde, K.B., López-Hinojosa, M., Cantón, F.R., Rodrigues, A.S., Morcillo, M., Hurel, A., Vélez, M.D., de la Torre, F.N., Modesto, I., Manjarrez, L.F., Pascual, M.B., Alves, A., Mendoza-Poudereux, I., Díaz, M.C., Pizarro, A., El-Azaz, J., Hernández-Escribano, L., Guevara, M.Á., Majada, J., Salse, J., Grivet, D., Bouffier, L., Raposo, R., De La Torre, A.R., Zas, R., Cabezas, J.A., Ávila, C., Trontin, J.-F., Sánchez, L., Alía, R., Arrillaga, I., González-Martínez, S.C., Miguel, C., Cánovas, F.M., Plomion, C., Díaz-Sala, C., Cervera, M.T., 2022. Maritime Pine Genomics in Focus, in: De La Torre, A.R. (Ed.), The Pine Genomes. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 67–123. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93390-6_5
  • Van Leeuwen C., Destrac Irvine A. and Ollat N., 2024. Gestion quantitative de l’eau et usages agricoles sous contrainte climatique - cahier thématique AcclimaTerra n°4 - Observatoire de l’eau [WWW Document], n.d. URL https://www.institution-adour.fr/observatoire-de-l-eau/adourthek/details/id-35.html (accessed 12.12.24).


XI International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology 

  • Arrizabalaga-Arriazu, M., Gomès, E., Morales, F., Irigoyen, J.J., Pascual, I., Hilbert, G., 2024. Increased temperature, elevated atmospheric CO 2 and water deficit modify grape composition of different ‘Tempranillo’ ( Vitis vinifera L.) clones. Acta Hortic. 187–196. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1390.23
  • Janoueix, A., Spilmont, A.-S., Moisy, C., Mathieu, G., Cordelières, F., Teillon, J., Gonzaga Santesteban, L., Villa-Llop, A., Crespo, S., Marín, D., Cookson, S.J., 2024. Imaging xylem connections between the scion and rootstock of grafted grapevine with X-ray microtomography. Acta Hortic. 103–108. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1390.13
  • Ollat, N., Marguerit, E., Tandonnet, J.-P., Lauvergeat, V., Prodhomme, D., Gambetta, G.A., Vivin, P., Goutouly, J.-P., De Miguel-Vega, M., Gallusci, P., Rubio, B., Cookson, S.J., 2024. The potential of rootstock and scion interactions to regulate grapevine responses to the environment. Acta Hortic. 89–102. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1390.12
  • Torres, N., Santesteban, L.G., Villa-Llop, A., Oneka, O., Juanena, N., Palacios, J., Vergnes, D., Janoueix, A., Dewasme, C., Roby, J.P., 2024. Vine response to spur and cane pruning criteria differing in the respect to the sap flow paths is affected by plant material and growth conditions. Acta Hortic. 77–80. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1390.10
  • Villa-Llop, A., Crespo-Martínez, S., Ancín, M., Marín, D., Cookson, S.J., Loupit, G., Bonhomme, P.O., Prodhomme, D., Gramaje, D., Bujanda, R., Eraso, J., Santesteban, L.G., 2024. Evaluation of the characteristics of rootstock hardwood cuttings on graft performance. Acta Hortic. 147–152. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1390.18




  • Ollat N, van Leeuwen C, Yobregat O, Julliard S, Bordenave L, Lacombe T, 2021. Des milliers de cépages : une clef face au changement climatique. In: Les raisins de Pierre-Joseph Redouté: des aquarelles pour l'avenir de la vigne. Paulsen (ed), Paris, 225-245.


  • Delrot S, Grimplet J, Carbonell Bejerano P, Dalla Costa L, Schwandner A, Bert PF, Bavaresco L, Di Gaspero G, Duchêne E, Hausmann L, Malnoy M, Morgante M, Ollat N, Pecile M, Vezzulli S, 2020. Genetic and genomic approaches for adaptation of grapevine to climate change. In: Genomic Designing of Climate Smart Fruit Crops, Chittaranjan Kole Ed, Springer.
  • Valls Fonayet J, Loupit G and Richard T, 2020. MS- and NMR-metabolomic tools for the discrimination of wines: Applications for authenticity. Advances in Botanical Research, Academic Press, 1-61.




  • Aigrain P, Bois B, Brugière F, Duchêne E, Garcia de Cortazar Atauri I, Gautier J, Giraud-Héraud E, Hannin H, Ollat N, Touzard JM, 2017. From scenarios to pathways: lessons from a foresight study on the French wine industry under climate change. In: ClimWine2016. Ollat N, Garcia de Cortazar Atauri I, Touzard JM (eds). Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales, Bordeaux, pp 253-262.
  • Duchêne E, Coupel-Ledru A, Lebon E, Marguerit E, Ollat N, Simonneau T, 2017. Grapevine genetics and climate change. In: ClimWine2016. Ollat N, Garcia de Cortazar Atauri I, Touzard JM (eds). Vigne et Vin Publications Internationales, Bordeaux, pp 131-140.
  • Gambetta GA, Knipfer T, Fricke W, McElrone AJ, 2017. Aquaporins and root water uptake. In Plant Aquaporins. Chaumont F & Tyerman SD (Eds.), Springer, pp. 133-154.
  • Ollat N, Quénol H, Barbeau G, van Leeuwen C, Darriet P, de Cortazar Atauri IG, Bois B, Ojeda H, Duchêne E, Lebon E, Vivin P, This P, Sablayrolles JM, Teil G, Lagacherie P, Giraud-Héraud E, Neveu P, Touzard JM, 2017. Adaptation to climate change: strategic issues to face for the French wine industry. In OEno2015, Proceedings of the Xth International Symposium of Oenology from Bordeaux. Vignes et Vins Publications Internationales, pp 12-16.
  • Ollat N, Touzard JM, de Cortazar-Atauri IG, Quénol H, van Leeuwen C, 2017. Proceedings of Climwine 2016. Vignes et Vins Publications Internationales, 262 p.
  • Pina A, Cookson SJ, Calatayud A, Trinchera A, Errea P, 2017. Physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying graft compatibility. In Vegetable grafting: principles and practices. Colla G, Pérez-Alfocea F, Schwarz D (Eds), CAB International, Cambridge, p 132-154.


  • Ollat N, Peccoux A, Papura D, Esmenjaud D, Marguerit E, Tandonnet JP, Bordenave L, Cookson SJ, Barrieu F, Rossdeutsch L, Lecourt J, Lauvergeat V, Vivin P, Bert PF, Delrot S, 2015. Rootstocks as a component of adaptation to environment. In: Grapevine: Climate and Environmental Stress, Biotic and Abiotic Factors. Geros H, Chaves MM, Medrano H, Delrot S (Eds), Wiley, 68 p.