Professeur Emerit - Université de Bordeaux


Domaine de recherche

Physiologie moléculaire et génomique fonctionnelle de la Vigne

10 publications récentes

  • Guan L, Wu B, Hilbert G, Li S, Gomès E, Delrot S, Dai Z (2017) Cluster shading modifies amino acids in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries in a genotype- and tissue-dependent manner. Food Research International 98, 2-9.
  • Lecourieux F, Kappel C, Pieri P, Charon J, Pillet J, Hilbert G, Renaud C, Gomès E, Delrot S, Lecourieux D (2017) Dissecting the biochemical and transcriptomic effects of locally applied heat. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 53.
  • Peccoux A, Loveys B, Zhu J, Gambetta GA, Delrot S, Vivin P, Schultz H, Ollat N, Dai Z (2017) Dissecting the rootstock control of scion transpiration using model-assisted analyses in grapevine. Tree Physiology, in press.
  • Silva A, Noronha H, Dai Z, Delrot S, Geros H (2017) Low source-sink ratio reduces reserve starch in grapevine woody canes and modulates sugar transport and metabolism at transcriptional and enzyme activity levels. Planta 246, 525-535.
  • Adam-Blondon AF, Alaux M, Pommier C, Cantu D, Cheng ZM, Cramer GR, Davies C, Delrot S, Deluc L, Di Gaspero G, Grimplet J, Fennell A, Londo JP, Kersey P, Mattivi F, Naithani S, Neveu P, Nikolski M, Pezzotti M, Reisch BI, Topfer R, Vivier MA, Ware D, Quesneville H (2016). Towards an open grapevine information system. Horticultural Research 3, 16056.
  • Dai Z, Wu H, Baldazzi V, van Leeuwen C, Bertin N, Gautier H, Wu BH, Duchene E, Gomes E, Delrot S, Lescourret F, Genard M. (2016) Inter-species comparative analysis of components of soluble sugar concentration in fleshy fruits. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 649.
  • Guan L, Dai Z, Wu BH, Wu J, Merlin I, Hilbert G, Renaud C, Gomes E, Edwards E, Li SH, Delrot S (2016) Anthocyanin biosynthesis is differentially regulated by light in the skin and flesh of white-fleshed and teinturier grape berries. Planta 243, 23-41.
  • Habran A, Commisso M, Helwi P, Hilbert G, Negri S, Ollat N, Gomes E, van Leeuwen C, Guzzo F, Delrot S (2016) Roostocks/scion/nitrogen interactions affect secondary metabolism in the grape berry. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1134.
  • Martínez-Lüscher J, Kizildeniz T, Vučetić V, Dai Z, Luedeling E, van Leeuwen C, Gomes E, Pascual I, Irigoyen JJ, Morales F, Delrot S (2016) Sensitivity of grapevine phenology to water availability, temperature and CO2 concentration. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
  • Noronha H, Araújo D, Conde C, Martins AP, Soveral G, Chaumont F, Delrot S, Gerós H (2016) The grapevine uncharacterized intrinsic protein 1 (VvXIP1) is regulated by drought stress and transports glycerol, hydrogen peroxide, heavy metals but not water. Plos One 11, e0160976.

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Date de modification : 14 août 2023 | Date de création : 05 août 2009 | Rédaction : egfv